Your email address sucks


Don’t take it personal!

Your email address, it’s not as personal as you may think. Here is why.

Chances are that you have an email address. I’d put a wager on it.
I’d also put a larger wager down with the bookies that your current email address is with a free email service such as, Hotmail, Yahoo or G-mail.
Disadvantage #1 for you. Large advantage$ for them.

Every time you tell someone your email address you are building a brand for these companies. Simply by giving out your email address. To boot you are making them rich, stinking rich.

The simple fact is people and business want to do business with someone they can trust. So if you are still sending out email representing your business with a free email service such as: or gmail this raises a flag to any potential client.

Stop this crazy process!

Here is what’s happening.

You give out your email address, online or offline to someone.

Now you need to read your email correct.

Where? At their website. Their Brand.

Once inside “their email” after all that’s what it is. Their email, their company, their ads, their Brand and big fat bank accounts. Not yours.

Moreover they generate large revenues from those advertisements that are in your face. Oh yes, SPAM too. Free email is littered with SPAM. I will not even touch on spam, makes me heated. Plus if you use one of these free services with new “Anti-terror” laws all your email data is monitored, tracked and recorded.

Odds are also that your email address is not what you wanted or an exact personal email address such as, so you’ve probably added numbers or some other variation. Another disadvantage, especially if you consider someone trying to remember it or your brand.

I have nothing against companies making a profit, however at the dawn of the internet if you wanted an email address that is what you did. We all did. We went to hotmail or elsewhere. Nowadays email is a monster for these corporations and there is no need for you to feed the monster and the fat-cats wallet. This is 2017 and it’s time to shift your thinking and abandon the old ways. You have a choice, one that benefits you.

Do and begin this process!

Get your own personal email address and create your own identity. This also builds confidenace with those who read your email, from your Brand!

Create One similar to mine which is, derek @ brandabledots .com

By having your own real “personal” and private email address the advantage goes to you, also an advantage for someone trying to remember your email address.

No advertisements in YOUR PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS either. Nope, it’s true, it yours. Your domain, your email address and no advertising.
Plus it’s your domain so if you want a website I can help with this, free. More on that in a moment.

You can make, the possibilities are endless. Choose any name for your email addresses.

We register all of our Domain names at, Domain Registry Department for less than 25 bucks a year. Get your own domain name and personal email address today and stop building someones brand and making them wealthy. It’s crazy.

Here is how. Visit search and register your new name. You will be able to create up to 100 email addresses at your new website and email. Once you have registered your name send me an email or call the number below.

With your new email address and domain name you will get free hosting for one full year. This is the real deal, no gimmicks. I will even show you for free how to make your domain display any ad you want. Perhaps an affiliate program you belong to already such as AMAZON or any product you want to promote.

I am here ready to assist you any way possible.

I look forward to helping you.

Call me toll free in North America

1 (866) 227-2631

Derek Langhorn

Domain name registration scam

Domain Renewal Scam?

You decide

This is a MUST READ for Anyone who owns a domain name.

A couple of days ago I got an email that looked like my domain name was going to expire.

You do not want to lose your domain name so when the renewal notice arrives, well that’s what you do.
You follow the link in your email from your Domain Registry Department and you renew your domain name.

This email (screenshot) below looks like the domain name is going to expire right away.

NOTE: The information in the orange area are the words “Final Reminder” plus  “Domain cancellation notice”

So naturally It appears that your domain name mentioned in the email is going to expire! Most may panic and think damn I better renew now without thinking about it.

This is not a domain name renewal. When you click on the link in the email it takes you to a for a very basic payment page for? Yes what is it for?

Again it looks like your domain is going to expire. It states a “Registration Period” for your domain name in BIG letters.

If you look close and take your time it is a registration period for SEO, not a domain name registration.

There are so many things wrong, deceitful and horrible with this email.

The worst case scenario for me would be the following.

Let’s say I did pay for what I thought was my renewal of an expiring domain. Now I go about my normal business. Next year my domain could potentially expire because I paid for this piece of trash.

Have you fallen prey to this scam. I pray you did not.

Do you feel this practice is acceptable?

This is very deceptive marketing and a Scam in my opinion aimed at anyone who owns a domain name, not just brokers.

I am afraid the average person and not a domain broker may fall for this.

I almost yanked out my credit card and payed. If I was rushed that day or not on my game I probably would have.

If you know anyone who owns a domain name, help spread the word and tweet this BOGUS-SCAM so no-one falls victim to it.

Thank you for taking time to read.

Derek Langhorn